Thursday, September 28, 2006

First Contact at SPJIMR

Finally the day had cm for few of us to move to SPJIMR, Mumbai for joining the FMB program. It was pretty obvious as we thought that it would drill us out of all pleasures. We reached early morning at the campus, searched for our rooms n had some known room mates. This day we had a good nite out n all of us enjoyed a lot. The first day at college was sm wht boring in the start but it took pace till it was evening. The have a hell lot of classes in a day starting from 8:30 am to 6:30 or 7PM.
This drove me crazy. I have never attended such long sessions after my school but the spirits were high and that showed me the pathway.
The very concept of this program was the adrenalin to drive us. I got sm good frnz from indore n as well as Calcutta. these guys simply rocked.
An unofficial meet up was always put up daily nite as we went partin. We got to many places all near andheri n it was the group which marched with around 17 guys to any place. We spent like anything and in the end when we looked our pockets it came as a shock for a 6 days period.
I gotta look at my attendence for the contact n i was shocked to see a 100% figure which i think i have never ever achived earlier.... this time i think i m becomin more serious towards my

Today i m back to indore..... misssin sm nice moments thr...... I hope my spirit is maintained till the end of this program.

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